Substantial Luristan Bronze Pin


A Luristan cast bronze garment pin. It features a floral head; three circles spaced around the centre of the calyx; and three, trumpet-shaped projections below. The faint patterns of chevrons are still visible underneath the encrustations.

Date: Circa 8th - 7th Century BC
Condition: Very fine bronze with green patination and light encrustations.


SKU: AS-1785 Category: Tags: ,

The bronze pins reported from covert excavations in Western Persia, particularly Luristan, surpass the tools and weapons of the area. They are superior both in terms of quantity, and in the variety of form and decoration. The pin-makers of Western Persia took their inspiration from the local flora and fauna, though it is difficult to determine precisely which fruits, flowers, or animals were used in the decoration. That said, the most common sources of artistic inspiration in both Greece and Western Persia seem to have been the poppy and pomegranate.

To discover more about the Luristan Empire, please visit our relevant blog post: The Luristan Empire: Beauty of Bronze.

Weight 68.9 g
Dimensions L 16.2 x W 6 cm



Reference: For similar example see item 302 PRS Moorey: Catalogue of the Ancient Persian Bronzes in the Ashmoleon Museum. Such decorative simple items of fashion were used to fasten the clothes of the ancients before the invention of fibulae (brooches).