Luristan Bronze Arrowhead Point


A Luristan bronze arrowhead point with thickened mid-rib and relatively long tang.

Date: Circa 900-700 BC.
Condition: Very Fine condition with good metal and light encrustations


SKU: AS-3842 Category: Tag:

Throughout the Ancient World, from Greece to Persia, battles raged. The skilled Ancient Persian craftsmen, particularly in the Luristan area, developed great skill in bronze working, producing some of the finest weaponry then available. Luristan bronze comes from the province of Lorestan, a region situated in the area of modern South-Western Iran. In ancient times a number of nomadic populations, such as the Medes, the Kassites and eventually the Persians, settled in the area. Due to the nomadic nature of the tribes, none of the Luristan bronzes were of great size, since it was required for them to be light and portable. Their artwork mainly comprises ornaments, vessels and weapons. Cast spike-butted axes are hallmarks of Luristan bronze weaponry during the First Iron Age Period, between 1200 and 1000 BC. Most of Luristan bronze items have been recovered in funerary contexts.

To find out more about Luristan bronzes please see our relevant blog post: The Luristan Empire and the Beuty of Bronze.

Weight 27 g
Dimensions L 14.5 cm


Time Period


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